Also responding to nicknames like Em, Smokey, Rasher, Bakes, Bacon, or a mix of the above, you can be sure to find Emily working hard on our Special Needs Team. While some would say she was cursed with the surname Bacon, she was blessed with a caring, supportive nature, and channelled this into her love of Special Needs teaching. Originally from Nottinghamshire (“Ey up mi duck!”), when she’s not on the phones at Vibe you’ll find her reading, at the theatre, or using Google to cheat on crossword puzzles.
Tell us about your story with Vibe
I’ve known about Vibe for years and when I recently finished at my last school they were my first port of call! I attended a Vibe party and got chatting to some of the Vibers. The opportunity to come in to work in the office came up and I thought it would be a new challenge so gave it a go! Since then I’ve had such wonderful experiences here with such amazing children all around London. Vibe really has made me fall in love with teaching all over again.
What do you love most about working with Vibe?
I love going to different schools and experiencing different SEN settings. I feel my own teaching skills have come such a long way since spending time with such a variety of lovely children at our various schools. I suppose the people in the office aren’t that bad either ?
What’s the best thing about living in London?
I love the fact that you are never bored. There’s ALWAYS something to do! I love exploring new restaurants (and pubs!)
What’s your favourite area in London? Why?
It’s alllllll about the South! Tooting, Clapham, Brixton… the dream! It’s got a vibrant atmosphere, amazing food markets to explore, awesome cinema’s and great pubs.
What’s your favourite pub in London?
You simply cannot beat a night out at The Graveney (Tooting Broadway) I also love the odd drink out in Tooting market… have I mentioned I love Tooting?!
What’s one of your best travel experiences?
My boyfriend and I travelled around Germany and I had the most amazing time walking around the lakes and going to the top of the Alps. Neuschwanstein Castle is absolutely amazing – I would highly recommend!
What are your top tips for teachers in London?
Make the kids laugh! If they’re having fun, so are you. The better the relationship between yourself and the children then the better the year.
What/who are you most inspired by?
When I was in Year 2 I had several problems with my ears (could hear practically nothing for a year). I had the most wonderful teacher who I stayed friends with until I completed my own teacher training. She was so patient with me and understood that during that time in my life I needed a little more support. I’ve always wanted to be just like her; that’s why I became an SEN teacher!
What is your Yearbook Quote/quote that you live by?
“Life is what you make it”