Vibe Blog

Crazy Coincidence – Dane & Sam’s Austrian Adventure, Day 1

All good travel trips away should start with a few cold beers prior to departure – just to unwind, relax and get into holiday mode.
Vibe Teachers travel in Austria on a break from teaching in London UK

And that’s just what was taking place at a little pub across the road from the Contiki bus depot when we met Jackie and Michelle. We bumped into these two sisters while they were waiting to visit their mother in a nearby hospital.

What makes these two sisters unique is the fact that they only met last year, 40 years after they were born. They were both adopted at birth and grew up on opposite sides of the world – Jackie with a family in Kent and Michele with a family in Florida. Their paths only crossing last year when they both coincidentally decided to track down their biological mother.

But what makes this story even more fascinating is that both sisters also coincidentally share one of the most important jobs in the world – they are both teachers!

Feeling inspired by this touching story, we have decided to write a blog dedicated to all the amazing people you meet travelling and share some of their stories with you.

Stay tuned…

Dane & Sam

Dane (South Manager) and Sam (Purple Team Leader) are spending the week on holiday in Tyrol’s Ski Welt region in Austria. You can keep up to date with their adventures here!

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